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The Art of Modeling is a proponent for

increasing the accessibility of figure

modeling to community members who

identify as underrepresented in fine arts.  




Art of Modeling offers a variety of fine arts modeling opportunities at a range of 

venues to new or experienced art models.  


Art of Modeling provides models new to the profession with the necessary training to be successful in the industry. 

Featuring AOM Models!_edited.jpg

Podcast by Courtney Blacker-Reynolds


Life Drawing class
 Art Model Aficionado Membership

OR choose the basic Model Membership + an AOM item:


Model Membership $175/ year
*this equals less than 50 cents/day

HOW TO JOIN/Colorado

-You must be over 18 years of old,as most bookings are nude


-Complete our Online Application, where you will be asked to p​rovide two professional art modeling references OR to purchase the fine arts training manual using the purple payment button below (not through Amazon)(then email me your mailing address and I will mail you a manual and provide you with instructions for your next steps)


-After your application is reviewed, you may be invited to become a model member depending on our current needs. Once you have been invited to become a model member, you will complete the sign up steps, below:


-Submit your Model-Membership fee (purple payment button to the left).  While full payment at one time is preferred, we do have a financing option available.  


-Submit a $100 refundable deposit (purple payment button to the left)


​-Complete online Model's Responsible Cancellation Agreement


-Provide a W9  and a copy of your Driver's License,

email to:


-Provide a professional headshot (or non professional) & a clothed body shot​ that shows your body type


-Previously inexperienced model members (who either attended our training or who took the manual/audition route) serve a six month introductory period as a Provisional Model Member during which you prove yourself professional, reliable, & punctual  After surviving this initiation period, you will receive the $2/hr pay increase.

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Model Resources

Art of Modeling is committed to providing developing fine arts models with the education and resources necessary for success in this profession.


Art of Modeling founder, artist and former professional fine arts model Ellen Allen has written a book, The Other Side of the Easel specifically designed to help aspiring models learn more about the professional fine arts modeling exeperience.  

fine art model

Art of Modeling also offers Fine Arts Model Training workshops for aspiring models and model members. Learn more about the art of modeling from seasoned professional figure models

Must be 18 to attend. 

Pre-Registration is required.

The Other Side if the Easel
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‘Ed’ by Taha Neyestani


“A tribute to all life drawing models, and to the passion

of the craft — exploring form, figure, life and all that lies within.” 


Thesis film by Taha Neyestani made at Sheridan College, 2015. Animated in Photoshop. Winner of the Annie Award for best student film, 2015.


Used with artist's permission

Links to articles about fine arts modeling:

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The Bulletin article by​

Dave Bufalo,

Art of Modeling Model

*this article features an AOM model

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For shits and giggles- "Why I draw from live Models", Louis Guidetti


The Psychology of Nude Art Modeling: From a Naked Guy Named Dave  *this article features an AOM model


The Nude Art Model by Daniel Peters *this article features an AOM model


Meet Andy Pollock | Artist & Figure Model, Shoutout Colorado *this article features an AOM model


The Challenging, Lasting Career of the Artists’ Model​


Naked Ambition by, William Hageman


How To Be A Great Life Model, by Memphis


Musings of a life model, by Ruby Magic


The naked truth about life models, by The Guardian


Life models by The Guardian​


Figuring it Out by Gage Rabideaux


Zen and the Art of Art Modeling by Josh Max


Longmont artists group bares itself in public, by Quentin Young


Drawing the human body continues to challenge artists, by Marianne L. Hamilton


Nude models are crucial figures in CSU art class, by The Coloradoan


6 Art-Historical Poses You Should Know, by Sarah Gottesman​


“Modelling felt liberating”: ten life models tell us about their experiences of baring all for art by Rebecca Fulleylove


Figure drawing brings personality to class: Tyler School of Art offers figure drawing classes, which model Jennifer Hermann said she enjoys by Claire Sasko​


FAQ about nude modeling for art classes by Melinda Tichelaar


The naked truth about nude art modeling by ROBIN EILEEN BERNSTEIN


Night at the Figure Drawing Class BY DANYA RUBENSTEIN-MARKIEWICZ


Artists Go Back to School for Will Cotton’s ‘Take Home a Nude’ Drawing Party by Sarah Cascone


The Dos and Don’ts of Working With Nude Models: 6 Steps for Keeping Things Professional by Sarah Cascone


Message behind nude modeling for art: 'There is no one way to be beautiful' by Michael Greenlar​


For Artists' Models, It's All in a Day's Work by SYDNEY LADENSOHN STERN


Life drawing artists and nude models tap into creativity at pub venue by  Luke Wong


Naked ambition: Why do people become nude life models? by  Hannah Reich and Barbara Heggen


The bare facts: Exploring nude modelling and life art classes in Adelaide by Brett Williamson


Nude models, despite initial awkwardness, essential to artist development by Daniel Wheaton


How To Become A Life Drawing Model


How to serve as an artist model


The Art of Figure Drawing, The Science of Modeling


Art Model Tips, by Charley Parker


Art classes that pay for your naked ambition, by  Rebecca Katherine Hirsch

How I Earned $20 an Hour By Getting Naked — Without Getting Arrested, by Susan Sh


Life Modeling Undraped, by Amy Stoltenberg​


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